The solution to getting real-time sensor data
Ships need to do preventive maintenance and performance monitoring. To carry out preventive maintenance and performance monitoring various parameters are to be checked and monitored at regular intervals. These parameters include temperature, pressure, fuel/oil level, depth. Tank level etc. To measure these parameters generally, sensors are used.
The sensor continuously measures the parameters and sends accurate and precise data at a regular interval. These data taken from different types of sensors like an ultrasonic level sensor, temperature sensor, pressure sensor, level sensor, proximity sensor, etc. are collected and stored at a centralized database. Data from sensors at any specific time or interval can be fetched which is stored in the database which is used for analysis, monitoring, and preventive maintenance. We use this data from the database for predictive analytics. This data is used to develop graphical reports and dashboards. These reports and dashboards help to show the temperature, pressure, fuel/oil level at any specific day/month. Using these reports and dashboards preventive maintenance can be planned accordingly.

KAPSE Business Solutions Pvt Ltd Solution includes:
- Web-based reporting
- One centralized place for all operational data
- Flexible and customizable reports
- Different dashboards for different KPIs
- Sensor data collection onboard the ship and stored in a data Warehouse
- Data analysis with sophisticated proficient algorithms and statistical modeling
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for ship sensor
- Breakdowns are reduced as preventive maintenance and precautions can be taken.
- Losses due to breakdowns are reduced.
- Accurate and precise information on ships’ performance is possible.
- Ships’ condition can be monitored continuously.
- Ships downtime is reduced which helps accelerated revenue growth.
- Helps to improve ships’ life and performance.
- Improved safety and quality conditions which in turn help to get business benefits.
Business Benefits:
- Seamless integration of all your operations
- Reduced operational costs and improved operational efficiencies
- Accelerated revenue growth and enhanced
- Greater customer satisfaction and retention
- Reduced time and costs to market through a well-defined new services introduction process
- Superior decision support system