Upgrade and Migration
KAPSE Business Solutions PVT. LTD is been experienced with many more SAP Upgrade in recent past on various SAP Applications, from ERP to Netweaver, CRM, Solution Manager, BI and HANA.
Upgrades are required to streamline the Customer’s SAP landscape to adopt advanced product updates/ features which will be released by SAP. Each version of the SAP Application has its own ability and limitation according to product designer and technology market development.
SAP Systems are upgraded with respect to the following steps/ types irrespective of the Application/ Server:
- Technical Upgrade,
- Functional Upgrade and
- Strategic Upgrade.

Technical Upgrade: This initial phase involves a purely technological upgrade whose major goal is the implementation of the new software release as the foundation for all subsequent improvements. The impact of this phase on your business and business processes is very limited
- Previously used business functions are retained
- Modifications and custom developments are reduced (which reduces cost of operations and system complexity)
- Unicode conversion may take place.
The technical upgrade simply creates the basis for functional and strategic upgrade.
Functional Upgrade: Functional Upgrade focuses on increasing business value by implementing the most valuable functions of the new software upgrade during Technical Upgrade. Benefits of the functional Upgrade will include, (new) standard SAP software functions for already used functions, it could be standard SAP software of older version OR custom developments.
Even though this upgrade can be combined in a single project with the technical upgrade, statistics show that more than 80% of SAP customers approach this second phase as a separate project, to be conducted after a technical upgrade has been completed and overall stability has been reached.
Strategic Upgrade: Finally this involves implementing new and optimized business processes & scenarios that fully exploit new SAP functions. It may include implementing other software applications/ systems or components and is very much dependent on the business needs of your organization.
For example, development of a new Functions/ Software which are depended on a function(s) which are delivered by above Technical & Functional Upgrades.
KAPSE Business Solutions PVT. LTD handles all these three steps/ types under Upgrade services by a dedicated team of Upgrade Project manager and Expert SAP Basis, Technical and Functional Consultants.