Share Your Unique Brand Story Across Online Channels

Get your audience engaged and you’ve taken the first step in getting them into the sales or lead funnel. KAPSE Digital Marketing researches your target market extensively to learn what makes them tick, where they live and what there interests are. We also check out the competition to see what they are doing that works (and what doesn’t). We create engaging and share-worthy content which we share on those social networks your demographic is hanging out on. A successful social media campaign is not only reflected in the number of re-tweets, shares, comments, likes and views you receive, but actionable items like site visits, form completion, downloads and calls.

Our custom Social Media Marketing strategies are conceived for your brand and your audience alone. You’ll get fully supported and managed social programs, content planning (and generation), blogger outreach and video distribution among other services that aim to attract new customers and increase your profitability.

KAPSE Digital Business Solutions has Generated

Thousands of Leads and Millions in Sales

For Our Clients

Key lead generation marketing tactics include:

✓ Social Ads and Google Ads   Optimization

✓ Landing page optimization

✓ Multi-channel interactions including intelligent pop-ups,

✓ chat and customer recovery

✓ Event-triggered or behavioral emails to follow-up initial contact

✓ Newsletters to educate prospects about your brand and deliver relevant offers to encourage conversion

✓ Google Analytics tracking & Analysis

Frequently ask Questions about Social Media Marketing Services

If your customers use the internet, we tend to think so! No matter the business, our expertise lies in our ability to understand your business, find and grow you a targeted following, and drive leads and sales for your business.

Not a problem! As soon as your campaign starts, we will create, design and optimize all of your accounts for massive awareness and lead generation.

Give us a call or shoot us an email to get started. From there, you will be introduced to one of our marketing specialist who will identify your needs and develop a unique strategy for your business to reach your goals.

Like most other things on social media, it depends on the platform you’re using. Let’s break it down:

Can Delete Comments:
– Instagram
– Pinterest
– YouTube
– LinkedIn

Cannot Delete Comments:
– Facebook
– Twitter