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Implementation of SAP Solution Manager 7.1/7.2
SAP Solution Manager is a tool that helps in Application Lifecycle Management(ALM) of entire SAP Landscape of the customer. Hence an important and strategic way of managing SAP systems is using Solution Manager that consist of the following Modules:
- Earlywatch Alerts,
- IT Service Management (ITSM),
- Project Management Office,
- Change Request Management (ChRM),
- Business Process Monitoring and Etc
KAPSE Business Solutions PVT. LTD experienced with multiple Implementation and Support, Enhancement Development and Upgrade of SolMan. We have successfully implemented SolMan 7.1 and have hands on with 7.2 that comes with re-imagined User Interface (Fiori), guided configuration and etc.

Solution Manager 7.2 primarily delivers the following functions for the end-to-end Application Lifecycle Management of SAP and non-SAP Systems: